Colors have very strong effect on the personality of a person staying in that room.
The color green represents balance and harmony. It is the color of nature and positive energy. It promotes a love of nature, family, friends, pets and the home. This color is strongly related to balance and harmony.
Emerald green color suggests abundance, material wellbeing, emotional wellbeing and creative ideas.
The yellow color is associated with the left or logic side of the brain stimulating decision making. Yellow colour helps us focus, study and recall information, so it is usually recommended for kids’ room.
The color blue denotes responsibility and is strongly masculine and represents knowledge, power, and integrity, and is used quite often in the corporate world. It is recommended for bachelor’s room.
Pink color is feminine and represents compassion, nurturing and love. This color also depicts affection, intimacy, romantic, thoughtful and caring. Fuchsia is a blend of deep pink and blue, and this color inspires confidence, assurance, maturity, a controlled and responsible nurturing and love.
Cream, tinted with a hint of yellow, encourages new ideas. It is neutral in tone and has a soothing effect on mind and reinforces clarity of thought.
Yellow reflects the sunny side of the life and communicates happiness. It is a high activity color thereby appropriate for dining, kitchens, lobby or entrances. Yellow gives a warm welcoming feel. It is suggestive to use yellow in low proportions when designing romantic and sensual setting in the bedroom. Though this is a cheerful color, it is said to create frustration, fatigue and anger in human beings. Yellow can also increase the metabolism. Yellow used to accentuate a few areas in a bedroom can do wonders. E.g. yellow can be added in a few accessories like table lamp, photo frames, rugs, or in a wallpaper to highlight one wall. A small amount of this color will keep you romantically active and add joy to the room.
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